Backpack Giving!
We have started our Early Childhood Backpack Drive for Fall 2024. Please visit our Amazon link and donate to our drive and support children in homeless shelters or Title 1 schools. We provide backpacks all year long for early childhood students!
It's Book Giving Day!
The best day to show love and why not with the gift of books. February 14th we celebrate "Books Giving Day" by giving the gift of books.
Visit our amazon wish list and donate books to our organization so we can send new or used books to a local school in Washington D.C. or a classroom in Africa. All books should be sent to our organization by February 1, 2024.
Celebrate Kindness through books on March 7, 2024
Read for Kindness Party Project!
Read for Kindness Day 2024
Save the date and get ready to have a book party with friends for Kindness Day on November 13th