Book Giving Day Guidelines

Book Giving Day is celebrated everyday! You can donate through our Wishlist or at our location during our active drives. Hopefully soon we will provide book bins in the community.


Book Drive Guidelines:

Where can i get books for the drive?

* You can donate gently used children books from your home (2000-2023) publishing years)

*Send books directly to us from our Amazon wish list !

What Books Should I Donate?

*Donate books with diverse characters

*Mix of children's fiction, books with universal themes (friendship, animals, love)

*Children's nonfiction - Scientific books for students, reference materials like dictionaries Children's books teaching life skills about topics such as health, hygiene, adolescents and careers Books about Africa or African-Americans 


Books filled with small, dense print that might be too intimidating or unfitting for the age level

Books with lots of slang, which may be difficult for English learners to follow

Books for young children that have many references to appliances and electronic gadgets

Books written in any language besides English (U.S. or U.K.)

Adult paperback romance novels

Books that are heavily focused on United States or Canadian history or government

No religious holidays (Easter, Halloween, Christmas, 4th of July, etc.)

No magazines